Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Can you interpret this dream?

In my dream I'm dating this guy named Bobby. He's from New Orleans and was a Katrina refugee. I decide that I wanna go back in time to be with him. I didn't realize that after I went back in time I would be 15 again. When I arrive in New Orleans they put me in a group home because I have no parents. That night I'm texting Bobby and crocheting a yellow blanket when one of the group home workers bust into my room yelling that we need to evacuate. I grab my cellphone and wrap the yellow blanket over me and follow everyone leaving. There are two white helicopters waiting for us. The sky outside is pitch black even though it's supposed to be daylight so I look on my cellphone and see that Hurricane Katrina is about to hit. I get into the helicopter and one of the people I actually went to high school with was the pilot. We fly to this mall for safety. They put me in a room with kindergarten kids and I sit there and color a diamond ring before more evacuees come in but they take them into the room next to me which has a yellow mat for the door. I go in there to see if anyone knows Bobby and if he's ok. I ask everyone their age and tell them that I'm actually 21 but I had went back in time and now I was 15. One of the girls said she had a dream about me and then told me my middle name. I decide that I'm gonna go look for Bobby so I leave the room. I walk a little while before I see a man with his arms up and something in his hands. I realize that he has 2 black pistols, fingers on the triggers. I run back into the room, turn off the lights and tell everyone "Not even a peep" and then I wake up.

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